I’m horrible at blogging information (can’t you tell) 🙂

Here’s an update…

A Better Man


ABM is officially re-released and is currently available on Amazon here:


…and All Romance eBooks (ARe) here:

ARe Buy Link (PDF and ePUB)

I’m going to add a few more and I hope to have ABM available in PAPERBACK very soon 🙂


A Hunted Man

Cam’s story is coming in April. That is my plan and the goal I’m striving for. I don’t have a date yet until we’re knee deep into the editing process. The manuscript is long and I don’t want to rush it. There’s romance, suspense, mystery, and a little action.

I’ll post a blurb soon 🙂


Website updates

I’m in the process of updating my website, so it will have a few more pretties on here soon including a character section for readers interested in more info from the series.