
Isn’t it purty? 😀

It’s shiny and colorful and most of all, it’s based on Member’s Choice – which means the readers voted to include A Better Man in the category.  THANK YOU!  I’m completely honored and incredibly flattered that readers loved Julian and Matt’s story so much to consider including them in the running.

Category: Best Contemporary Story
Book: A Better Man

The decision is based on a poll vote, so if you have a chance to stop on by and cast your vote, you can do so here:

Link to Poll

The poll ends on December 31st and you don’t need to be a member of the Goodreads M/M Romance group to vote.

Thanks to everyone who took a chance to read it, comment, review, nominate and vote!  Yes, I’ve got my goofy smile plastered on my face. I’m incredibly thankful.