I’ve had an incredibly goofy grin on my face since I read this review yesterday.  Um, so much so that I kinda forgot to post it here ooops 😛

Sammy, over at Joyfully Jay, reviewed A Better Man yesterday and, well, I’m still smiling at some of the beautiful things said.

“Sometimes a novel comes along that resonates far beyond the written page.  It speaks to the places in ourselves where we find fear, defeat, and the simple yet complex desire to be someone others are proud of—to reach beyond our sometimes petty and small existence and make a difference. When that novel also includes a tender and life affirming love story…well, then you really have hit the jackpot and found a real prize.” – Sammy, Joyfully Jay

Read full review here.

Thank you so much, Sammy.  I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and review A Better Man and for the amazing comments.

(and yeah, I’ve still got that goofy grin on my face LOL)